Not Your Average Certification Course

The CPC at a Glance

Over 40 modules will guide you through the process of becoming a Certified Clinical Athlete Powerlifting Coach (CCPC). Breaking down the foundations of each movement, creating a strong base of programming principles, and so much more, the CPC curriculum sets the standard for the optimization and management of Powerlifting Athletes! With LIFETIME Access to these Modules, you'll be able to get a quick refresher at any time, AND you'll be able to check in on any new updates to the course in the future! Did we mention it's self-paced too? Take the course at your own speed so you can truly grasp all the content.
Let me in!

Let's Get Down To Business

CPC Course Curriculum

  • 1
  • 2

    Segment 1: The Basics

    • Intro and History
    • Odd Lifts- The Squat
    • Squat Set up and Common Errors
    • Odd Lifts- Bench
    • Bench Set Up and Common Errors
    • Odd Lifts- Deadlift
    • Deadlift Set Up and Common Errors
    • Intro and Odd Lifts Quiz
    • Set up and Common Errors Quiz
    • What is a Clnical Athlete Coach Part 1
    • What is a Clinical Athlete Coach Part 2
    • What is a Clinical Athlete Coach Quiz
    • Question Submission!
  • 3

    Segment 2: Motor Learning Concepts

    • Kinematics of Powerlifting Part 1
    • Kinematics of Powerlifting Part 2
    • Kinematics Quiz
    • Motor Skill Terms and Concepts Part 1
    • Motor Skill Terms and Concepts Part 2
    • Motor Skill Quiz
    • Question Submission!
  • 4

    Segment 3: How to Build Healthy Strength Athletes

    • Movement Assessment Module 1
    • Movement Assessment Module 2
    • Movement Assessment Module 3
    • Movement Assessment Quiz
    • Squat Movement Assessment
    • Bench Movement Assessment
    • Deadlift Movement Assessment
    • Assessment Quiz
    • Building Healthy Strength Athletes Part 1
    • Building Healthy Strength Athletes Part 2
    • Building Healthy Strength Athletes Part 3
    • Building Healthy Strength Athletes Quiz
    • Question Submission!
  • 5

    Segment 4: Programming Concepts

    • Programming Intro
    • Programming Part 2
    • Programming Part3
    • Programming Part 4
    • Programming Quiz
    • Programming Practical Part 1
    • Programming Practical Part 2
    • Programming Knee Case
    • Programming- Shoulder Case
    • Programming: LBP
    • Programming: LBP Part 2
    • Programming: LBP Part 3
    • Programming: Peaking Basics
    • Question Submission!
  • 6

    Bonus Materials!

    • MBS Performance Coaching- Mindset for the Barbell Athlete
    • Get your first 5 clients
  • Is it for Me?

    YES! Any Coach, Clinician, Student or Athlete looking to improve performance and reduce injury risk is in the RIGHT place!

  • Give Me The Letters!

    After rocking the course and acing our certification exam, you will earn the title of a Certified ClinicalAthlete Powerlifting Coach (CCPC).

  • What Does This Mean?

    With a sound understanding of coaching principles, injury risk-mitigation, and optimal positioning of 'The Big 3' lifts, athletes and coaches alike will recognize you as an educated leader in the Powerlifting Community!

Developing a Resilient Mindset

Bonus Lecture From Ryan Defibaugh

Sure, we all talk about 'grit' and 'mental toughness,' but very few of us truly understand its implications and potentials for performance. Allow us to introduce Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Ryan Defibaugh, your newest adjunct instructor. Untap your true coaching potential as Ryan takes you on a journey to develop characteristics like intrinsic motivation, grit and the foundations of a resilient mindset!

How to Get Your First 5 Powerlifters

Bonus Lecture From John Flagg

What if we told you becoming a Powerlifting coach was the easy part? Oftentimes, actually getting clients can be the hardest part about coaching! Well, in case you couldn't get enough of CPC Instructor, John Flagg, he's BACK to walk you through the simple steps to crush many of the initial barriers to getting your first Powerlifting clients.

Wait... Say that again?

Not only are you gaining access to the new standard of Powerlifting coaching, but you're also getting all of the following for the SAME Price!

  • ENTIRE 2-Day ClinicalAthlete Powerlifting Course Online

  • Lifetime Access to ALL Course Materials & Updates

  • Developing a Resilient Mindset BONUS Video

  • How to Get Your First 5 Powerlifters BONUS Video

Who Is This Guy Anyway?

Meet Your Instructor

John Flagg

John Flagg

Athletic Trainer

John Flagg, ATC, LAT, is THE MAN! Not only is John the Lead Instructor of the ClinicalAthlete Powerlifting Certification, but he is also a competitive Powerlifter, practicing Athletic Trainer, and Powerlifting Coach himself! Being the Lead Instructor for the CPC Course, we know that John can talk the talk, but trust us, this man walks the walk as well!  John runs his own online training business 'Rebuild Stronger,' where he coaches injured strength athletes back to the platform. We truly believe that there is nobody better to lead you through this educational experience than John, and we hope that you enjoy every second of it!

  • Wait, It's Graded?

    Yes! You'll need to score an 80% or higher on each quiz to progress in the course and receive your completion certificate. But don't worry, you can take the quizzes as many times as you need!

  • What About CEU's?

    The CPC is pre-approved for 14 Category A CEU's for Athletic Trainers through the Board of Certification, AP #P10117. The CPC may be approved for CEU's for Physical Therapists, PT Assistants and Chiropractors through individual state boards.

  • Refund

    Okay, so we don't offer refunds. But, hear us out! This course is so dang good, the LAST thing you'll be thinking about is a refund.

  • Learn at Your Own Pace

    This course is entirely self paced. Go as fast or as slow as you like, and review the sections as many times as you need to!

  • Lifetime Access to More Content

    You get lifetime access to the course, including all of the new content that gets uploaded. Cases studies, new modules, guest speakers - you get it all!

  • One of a Kind

    This is the best powerlifting course on the market today. You won't find anything else that bridges the gap between powerlifting rehab and performance as completely as the CPC!

  • CEU Approved!

    The CPC is pre-approved for 14 Category A CEU's for Athletic Trainers through the Board of Certification, AP #P10117. The CPC may be approved for CEU's for Physical Therapists / Physical Therapy Assistants, and Chiropractors through individual state boards.

  • Passing Grade

    You need to score 80% or higher on the quizzes to pass the course and receive your completion certificate. But don't worry, you can take the quizzes as many times as you need!

  • Refunds

    We don't offer refunds, but you're not going to want one. The course is THAT good.

System Requirements

Here's what you'll need to optimize your CPC experience:

  • Javascript enabled

  • PDF plugin

  • Graphic and audio output capability

  • Broadband internet connection with a minimum speed of 5 Mbps (recommended)

  • TLS 1.2 supported by your web browser

  • Desktop: Firefox / Chrome / Safari / Edge / Internet Explorer (version 11 only)

  • Mobile: iOS Safari 10 and up / Chrome / Samsung Internet